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Okay, so recap on 2020- It was a CRAZY year. With COVID 19 and the social unrest we saw brands and agencies suspended campaigns and sponsorship deals. And that is something that I stood behind. A quick pause on sponsored content, we don’t want to be tone deaf. We needed to focus on things much bigger at the moment. But it turned around quickly for us!
Brands and influencers were quick to react, however, shifting to ‘at home’ photoshoots and pivoting to more relevant content related to the home, such as comfortable fashion, home improvement, cooking and self-care.
So let’s jump into a few reasons that 2021 is the year of the Influencer and why there is no better time than now to get started.
1. We already see it in the data!
Sponsored Posts Up 500%
With social media usage increasing during lockdown, engagement on sponsored posts during this time actually went up – research carried out by Shareablee suggests that interactions with sponsored posts reached 57 million in July, nearly five times the amount from March 2020.
26.4 BILLION by 2025
Up 330% compared to $8BILLION in 2019.
In addition, there has been a 1500% increase in the number of Google searches for “influencer marketing” over the last three years.
So what does this mean for you? Influencer marketing is growing at the fastest rate we have ever seen! Way beyond previous projections! There is more opportunity than ever as an influencer.
2. Businesses are Moving to Ecommerce at Record Speeds
Now as you guys know, my background is in marketing and so I always am looking at how businesses can adjust and pivot. Undeniably, one of the biggest impacts—if not the biggest—on ecommerce trends in 2020 will be COVID-19.
I have been preaching for years for businesses to have some sort of online presence and sales mechanism, and nothing solidified that more in 2020. Businesses are quickly moving to online and that means they need to drive traffic to their new online stores.
With governments worldwide shutting stores and implementing lockdowns to restrict social movement for months on end in a bid to combat the coronavirus, more and more people are resorting to online shopping to purchase items.
Already, ecommerce giant Amazon’s Jeff Bezos has seen his fortune grow by nearly $24 billion thanks to increased customer demand for Amazon’s products and services.
And experts predict that the impact of the coronavirus will not just be a short-term boost to ecommerce but one that’s here to stay, even after COVID-19. This is because people will get comfortable with the comfort and convenience it offers and the benefits of contactless payments, both of which are likely to cause a permanent behavioral shift towards digital purchases.
In fact, market analysts say that the ecommerce industry will be the biggest beneficiaries of the coronavirus pandemic. Penetration rates, which are currently at 15 percent, are expected to increase to 25 percent by 2025 (MarketWatch, 2020). That marks a 67 percent increase in five years.
The positive COVID-19 impact on ecommerce, unfortunately, spells a heavy loss for brick-and-mortar stores. As many as 100,000 are forecast to shut over the next five years.
At an estimated 24,000 closures, apparel retailers will be the most affected, followed by 12,000 consumer electronics stores, and 11,000 home furnishings and grocery stores each.
Why is this a good move for businesses?
- The obvious answer is that it allows them to stay open virtually while forced to close down in person.
- It allows them to reach the entire world from anywhere, verses only who can physically come into their store.
- It allows them the ability to expand their marketing efforts. What once may have been a partnership with a local influencer, can now be a partnership with influencers anywhere.
- Eliminates the need for a high traffic storefront (ie. very expensive)
So what does this mean for you? There is more opportunity than ever as an influencer. There are 25% more businesses that need to drive traffic to their online stores, and influencer marketing is the best way to do that!
3. Social Media and Ecommerce
The number of social shoppers is also rapidly increasing. With the introduction of the “Buy” button on Facebook, and Instagram Checkout, social media is playing a significant role in the world of ecommerce.
Social media has changed the way we live our daily lives, including the way we buy things. This is a great opportunity for brands to start thinking about how to improve their position on social media, which is a great platform for brands to get discovered. With consumers spending more time on different types of social media, ecommerce businesses can get help from Instagram influencers to increase their chances of getting discovered by their target audience.
Platforms like Shopify, which is a HUGE ecommerce platform – are making it easy for businesses to link their online stores with social media sites so that people can buy from them directly through social media. Instagram and Facebook, for example, are constantly updating their features to meet the comfort needs of online buyers.
As social media continues to become a regular part of our daily lives, its power to influence ecommerce trends will only increase.
So what does this mean for you? As a marketer, we know the less steps involved to get consumers where you want them the better. So if brands are increasingly moving to social shopping, they need to move more and more of their marketing to social…Meaning using more influencers and influencer marketing.
People still trust influencers far more than any other form of marketing due to the third party validation. Of course a brand is going to say they are the best, but there is a lot more weight in someone else saying it!
Now I already know what a ton of you are thinking… Well I am not big enough, I don’t have experience, there’s already so many people…. The limiting beliefs are already creeping in! If this is you stop! I am an expert and I am telling you, YOU can make this happen! The biggest thing I hear is that you don’t think you have enough followers, so I want to break this down for you…
According to Business Insider, The one trend that will grow massively in 2021 will be the rise of Micro & Nano influencers.
Micro-influencers are influencers who do not have a huge number of followers. While there’s no specific criterion, anyone with less than 10,000 followers is considered a micro-influencer.
Micro or nano influencers aren’t new, but they’re continuing to grow at a fast pace. In 2020, 46.4% of brand mentions featuring the hashtag #ad were published by Instagram accounts that have 1k-20k followers (categorised as a micro-influencer). We predict that more brands will start to collaborate with micro-influencers in 2021, and this share of paid placement featuring #ad will increase to 50%.
MEANING 50% of all sponsored posts will be from micro influencers!
With micro influencers, those smaller audiences are much closer to that certain influencer than they would be to a celebrity.
As a result, their followers can easily relate to them and trust their opinion as they would follow the advice of a friend or their neighbour. In other words, it’s like word-of-mouth but a bit more measurable.
What they lack in huge follower numbers they make up for in authenticity, relatable content, brand loyalty, and higher-quality content production in some cases.
“So micro-influencers have more conversations about buying recommendations than macro-influencers. At the same time, they hold greater power when driving actual conversions.If you think you need millions of followers to grow your brand, think again. Micro-influencers drive more engagement and hold better recommendation power.” ~ Neil Patel on Micro Influencer Marketing
Benefits of working with Micro Influencers
- Affordable for most brands
- Diverse reach: where macro influencers offer a large audience, using a group of micro influencers can be beneficial to diversifying your reach
- High engagement rate
- Higher quality of authentic content – not overly produced, but relatable to ordinary people
- Niche audiences have a higher conversion rate
- They will usually go the extra mile to create high quality content and impress their brand partners
- They deal with your product information directly and gain a deeper understanding of your brand, making their recommendations more credible
What does this mean for those of you who think you need more followers? YOU DON’T! Of course we always want to continue to work on growing, but you can make this happen right now!
The need for a second type of income
If 2020 taught us anything, it is that the security of a job is not that secure. I have always been a fan of diversifying the ways that my family makes money! Influencer marketing is a GREAT option! Especially if it is already something that you have been interested in. So let’s make it happen!

Okay, so at this point you should be jumping up and down because I just proved to you why 2021 will be the year of the influencer… but you might also be thinking, okay what do I do next?! Well I have something VERY exciting for you!
When I was reflecting on last year, and working on my goals to help my students be even more successful I was reflecting on where I saw most people failing. And that was staying consistent and taking action.
I know I am guilty of this too! For example I once bought a course, watching the whole thing in a weekend and told myself wow that was amazing! I am going to start doing this as soon as I have time. And guess what? It was months before I started taking any action.
Knowledge without application is useless.
I talked to a few of my students and also some of my non-students, and asked them what their biggest challenges were and this is what they said:
- They were overwhelmed and didn’t know where to start
- They have a hard time staying consistent
- They didn’t have any accountability
- They didn’t have the money to invest in a course
So, I decided to create something totally new and different that would solve all of these problems and I am calling it CLUB DAILY!
I wanted to create:
- Something that took everything and made it bite sized! Meaning smaller actionable steps that will add up to BIG progress and results!
- Something that would keep you consistent!
- Something that kept people accountable
- Something that was affordable.
- And of course I wanted to make something that would make you all successful!
I also wanted to create:
- Something that was great for people who have taken my courses, and also people that have not taken my courses yet.
- As well as something that will benefit everyone at any stage of the game. Whether you are just starting out, you’re dabbling, your doing the dang thing, or you’re a pro!
I wanted to address all aspects of being an influencer…
- Social media growth
- Working with brands
- Making money
- Content creation
- Selling on social media
- Psychology
- Understanding social media
- Marketing
- Mindset
- Running a business
- Etc.
So what is CLUB DAILY?
It is the best way for influencers to learn, stay accountable, take action, stay consistent, and inevitably be successful.
Every single week I will release a new training topic with training videos and tutorials, as well as daily action steps.
For example, one week might be all about giveaway collaborations. So I will teach giveaway collaborations, and then your assignments for that week will be to follow my step by step instructions and actually do a giveaway collaboration. So this will be everything from how to set it up, how to make the graphics, how to reach out to other people and get them on board, how to get the giveaway paid for by a brand, why they work, how to check the stats, how to track, what not to do, how to set them up to get the most engagement and not gain ghost followers, etc. I mean EVERYTHING you need to know about running them successfully.
The next week it might be focused on a growth strategy. So i will teach it, and then have you implement it that week.
So essentially, there will be something to do each and every day, but you can also complete it all in one day if you wish. The idea is just to accomplish each week before the next week. So basically each week you will learn something new (or it might be refresh) and you will take action and achieve something moving you ahead and closer to your goals!
Okay, so how much is this program?
Well I wanted to make it supeR affordable, so it is Literally less than $1 a day! I know some of you spend more than that on Coffee everyday! This is where I say, how bad do you want it? Give up the fancy coffee, and spend that money on something that will grow your bank account! It will be billed every month for $29.
I am opening the doors in 1 week on Jan 14th. That way a lot of us can start together! But don’t worry, if you’re listening to this later, you can join anytime and have people who are ahead of you to help you along the way!
I am so excited to be able to offer something like this because I know it is going to be a game changer! This is something I wish I had access to when I was getting started!
If you want to join, you can go to https://www.TheDailyCourses.com/club
Complete Episode Transcript:
Erica James 0:07
Hey there, welcome to The Daily influencers podcast My name is Erica Marie Daily, former marketer and brand manager, turned your influencer marketing coach. On this podcast we help both influencers and brands, maximize their collaboration, grow on social media make more money and waste less time. Speaking of which, let’s jump right into today’s episode…
Holy cow, we made it to 2021. I don’t know about you guys, but I am just so excited to start a new year I know it’s like cheesy to be like New Year new me but like seriously, it just feels good. And I’m excited to be back to recording weekly podcasts took a little break at the end of last year. But I kind of feel like we all needed a break after 2020. So I’m just glad to be back. And I have so much exciting stuff for you guys. So I really wanted to kick off the new year and explain why 2021 is going to be the year of the influencer, and why there’s really no better time than right now to get started. Plus, at the very end, I have an exciting announcement. And this is something that’s going to help all of you guys get started. And really make 2021 your year of being an influencer and reach your goals. And so I want to make sure you guys stick around until the very end when we talk about that. Okay, so let’s start things off by actually recapping 2020, because that was a crazy year and a lot went down. And so I want to talk about how that year really affected the industry of influencer marketing as a whole. And so as we know, there was COVID-19, there was the social unrest. And we really saw a lot of brands and agencies really suspending campaigns and really pausing their sponsored content. And honestly, this is something that I stood behind. If you guys remember, right away, I told you guys, hey, pause your sponsored content, you need to talk to your brands about it. But trust me, you don’t want to sound tone deaf, we need to focus on things that are bigger right now. And honestly, a sponsored post isn’t going to do anything right now. But luckily, that turned around for us really quickly. And things actually picked up for the better with influencer marketing. And so this is really where I want to kind of tie in some stats, and really jump into a few reasons why 2021 is going to be the year of the influencer and why there’s no better time than right now to get started. So I’m going to kick things off with some data. Because you guys know I’m a sucker for data. And it really is the proof in the pudding. And so a few points I want to make. So sponsored posts were up 500% during COVID. So as you guys know, with everything shut down, people jumped onto social media. And so the usage actually increased like crazy during the lockdowns. And so engagement on sponsored posts during that time actually went up make sense. So shareable actually did some research on this. And they suggested that interactions with sponsored posts reached 57 million in July of 2020. That was nearly five times as much than March 2020. So that just goes to show that things are shifting online. And sponsored posts are up 500%, which means more influencers are making more money, which is really exciting. Okay, stat number two is that influencer marketing is projected to be a 26 point 4 billion with a B industry by 2025. You guys, this is crazy, because that number is up by 330% compared to the industry, that was 8 billion in 2019. And that number is way higher than predictions were previously. So our trajectory for this industry has just skyrocketed. And it is like out of control, which is so exciting for all of us. And also one more stat is that there has been a 1500 so 1,500% increase in the number of Google searches for influencer marketing. And so I’m sure you guys are thinking, Okay, those are cool stats, they sound really flashy. But what does this actually mean for me? So what this means is that influencer marketing is actually growing at the fastest rate that we have ever seen it you guys, I wish you could understand, like, I look at this data all the time, but like, it blows my mind how quickly things have changed. And it’s way way beyond previous projections. So there is just more opportunity than ever to be an influencer and be a part of this industry. Okay, some more things that are actually going to tie into that. Number two is that businesses are moving to e commerce at record speeds. And if you guys are kind of catching on a trend here, everything is moving at record speed right now. So as you guys know, my background is actually in marketing. And I used to work a lot with businesses and so I’m always looking at how businesses can adjust and pivot to things that are going on so that they’re more successful. That’s my jam. I love strategy. So undeniably one of the biggest impacts, if not the biggest
on e commerce trends in 2020, is going to be COVID-19 for so many different reasons. And honestly, I’ve been preaching this for years that businesses need to have some sort of online presence and ways to make sales online. And nothing is really solidified that more than 2020 so as you guys can imagine, businesses are quickly moving to online. And that means that they need to drive traffic to their online stores, Hint, Hint, influencers. So with these shutdowns and everything closing down in in person, more and more people are resorting to online shopping, obviously, I know everyone I know was ordering online, because you couldn’t go to the store, the only stores you could go to or really the grocery store, gas stations, etc. And so just to give you guys another fun statistic, Amazon grew by 24 billion over COVID. That is insane, you guys, that is so much money. And what’s crazy is that experts actually predict that all of this isn’t just short term. So we’re not just growing during COVID. This is something that’s going to stick around because even after COVID-19 over people
are already comfortable with the comfort and convenience that online shopping offers. And also the benefit of contactless payment, both of which are likely going to be the cause of a permanent behavioral shift towards digital purchases, which is great for our industry. So in fact, just to give you guys some more stats, because I love the stats, market analysis, say that ecommerce industry will be the biggest beneficiary of the coronavirus pandemic. And they’re saying that it’s actually going to grow 70 sorry, 67% in the next five years, which is huge. Like we’re already so big online, you got to think how many stores Do you shop online, and to think that that’s going to grow by 67% is wild. Okay, another really sad but also good stat is that over 100,000 brick and mortar stores are projected to shut down in the next five years. And so, yes, that’s sad. But I want you guys to understand from like my perspective, from the business perspective, why this is actually great for businesses. And obviously, we know why it’s great for us. And so the obvious answer for businesses is that it allows them to stay open virtually while they’re forced to close down their in person operations. So that’s great, because if Coronavirus, continues, we don’t know how long if this happens, again, it’s just that extra layer of protection that they can stay open and make money. Number two, it allows them to reach anyone from anywhere, when you’re online, anyone can shop at your store. versus if you have a brick and mortar store, the only people that can shop there are the people that can actually physically go there. So you’re really restricted to your local area, or anyone that’s visiting that local area. Number three, it allows them the ability to really expand their marketing efforts. So you got to think if they were a brick and mortar store, they might have been working with a local influencer, who has an audience of people that live locally. But now if they’re online, everything is expanded because they can partner with any influencer anywhere because those influencers can drive traffic from anywhere to anywhere. So that is a huge benefit to both the brand but also to you influencers. And then number four, it eliminates the need for high traffic storefronts, which is a very expensive storefront. So just to give you guys an example, I live in downtown San Diego. And if you have a store here, you really want to be on the main street, which is Market Street or anywhere in the Gaslamp district. And to have a storefront there is astronomically expensive, and so their overhead and the price that they have to get beyond even make a profit is so so high. So if they decide to shut down their brick and mortar and just go completely online, they can move their operations somewhere that’s not so expensive, like any storage or like facility, and their overhead is now so much less that they’re going to make so much more profit. And so it’s kind of exciting for me to hear that things are moving that direction, because that was the push I was trying to get people to do anyways because it’s good for them. And so I think this really just forced the issue. So again, what does this mean for you guys? What does this mean for my influencers? Well, it means that there’s more opportunity than ever as an influencer. There’s 25% more businesses now that need to drive traffic to their online stores and honestly, you guys know influencer marketing is the best way to do that. Okay, reason number three, why 2021 is going to be the year of the influencer is social media and e commerce. They are now one of the other what is that saying? I don’t know what they’re joined together. Basically. Because social shoppers is rapidly increasing more and more people are buying off of social media, because we introduce the buy button on Facebook, for example, we have Instagram checkout. And now any account that is a store can sell directly through Instagram, which is crazy to think that like, that’s where we’re at already. And just to give you guys an idea as well, there’s a platform called Shopify, which
is like probably the hugest e commerce platform, meaning they host like, a lot of the stores that you guys shop at. And they’ve actually now made it like, super easy, I think you just like click a button, and you can now link your online store directly to Instagram, you don’t have to like auto, you don’t have to like upload everything individually yourself, it just automatically does it for you. So that means more people are going to be utilizing Instagram stores and shopping. And so the great thing about that, and as a marketer, I know that the less steps involved in getting your consumer where you want them from where they’re at, the better. And so you got to think if brands are increasingly moving towards having their stores on Instagram, well, the less steps to get someone to Instagram would be to market to them on Instagram, which means using more influencers. So I think this right here is going to be a huge move in influencer marketing and a big shift. Because the more that they can market through the platform they’re selling on, the better. It’s literally like you’re a store sales rep but on Instagram for their Instagram store, if that makes sense. So think about like a brick and mortar store, you go into forever 21. They have the little sales reps helping you out helping you in the dressing room. Well, now your store is on Instagram, and you have your influencers that are like your sales rep. So it’s kind of a cool thing to see. And I think that’s going to be one of the biggest reasons why this is going to be the year of the influencer as well.
Another thing I just want to talk about, and this is something that’s ring true forever, but it’s the fact that people trust influencers more than any other form of marketing. And really the reason for that you guys is that there’s this third party validation. And so the way I like to think about it is like if I see a brand saying like, hey, buy from me, I’m the best. Well, your brain automatically knows like, okay, they’re talking about themselves, like, of course, they’re gonna say they’re the best. But then when you see an influencer, saying like, hey, this brand is the best, you’re like, Oh, that’s interesting, like, they’re somebody else saying that the brand is the best. So it just gives it a lot more weight. And I think in 2021, we’re really leaning into that. I think people want that more authentic. They want to work with people that they trust. And so again, like I was talking about before, with like the sales reps, like you are now the sales rep for the store, and people trust you so much more, because you’re this third party, and you’re not just like a sales rep working for the store. So I think that’s going to be something that’s really big. And that’s leaned into a lot this year. Okay, I’ve given you guys a lot of reasons why this is going to be the year of the influencer. But I already know what a ton of you guys are thinking because I talk to you guys all the time. And you’re probably thinking, Well, I’m not big enough, or I don’t have experience or there’s already so many people doing this, there’s no room for me, the little limiting beliefs are already creeping into your heads. And if this is you,
I want you to stop, I want you to remember that I am an expert. And I am telling you that you can absolutely make this happen. And literally probably the biggest excuse that I hear or like the most common one that I hear is that people don’t think they have enough followers. And by the way, if you guys haven’t listened to the episode before this, I talked to one of my students, Tiffany, who has 300 followers, I think less than that when we did it, yes, less than that. And she’s been landing brand deals. So let’s just get that out of your mind. Go listen to that podcast, if you haven’t already. But I want to break this down for you and really break through that limiting belief for you because it’s absolutely not true. So, right now I want to talk about micro and nano influencers. And this is a really big stat that I just saw today, which is according to Business Insider, which is a huge company. The one trend that will grow massively in 2021 is going to be the rise of the micro and nano influencers. You guys they’re saying that is the number one trend that’s going to grow massively. And just in case you guys are wondering, micro influencers are really anyone under like 10,000 followers, and nano is anyone under 1000 followers. So for you guys that are like oh, I only have a few 100 they’re not talking about me. We talking about you Everything is going to be great for you guys this year. So micro nano influencers aren’t anything new people have been using them for a long time, but they’re really continuing to grow at a fast pace. So just to give you guys some more data again, I love data in 2020 46.4% of brand mentions that had the hashtag add meaning it’s a sponsored post that they got paid for We’re published by Instagram accounts that had less than 20,000 followers, which in some cases is categorized as micro influencer. So we actually are predicting that more and more brands are actually going to start collaborating with micro influencers in 2021. And they’re actually saying that they’re figuring that over 50% of ads are going to be with people that are micro influencers. So you guys, that is crazy, more than 50% of all sponsored posts are with micro influencers. So if you’re still telling yourself that you don’t have enough followers to do this, you are lying to yourself, I want you to stop. And I’m going to give you guys even more information. So a few reasons that micro influencers are really the way to go. And that brands are recognizing this is because people with those smaller audiences are much closer to that certain influencer than they would be to a celebrity. And so as a result, their followers can easily relate to them, they trust their opinions. And they would actually follow the advice of them kind of like if you were just talking to a friend or your neighbor or somebody that you already know and trust. So in other words, it’s kind of like word of mouth marketing, which is way, way more effective. And while micro influencers lack a huge follower count, they make up for it with their authenticity, their relatable content, their brand loyalty, and the higher quality content production. So I have a really cool quote for you guys. That’s from Neil Patel. He’s huge marketer guy. And he’s talking about micro influencer marketing. And he says, micro influencers have more conversations about buying recommendations than macro influencers at the same time, they hold greater power when driving actual conversions. If you think you need millions of followers to grow your brand, think again, micro influencers drive more engagement, and hold better recommendation power, you guys that is huge from a marketer, when I see that, like all these, like big words are jumping out at me, he’s talking about conversions. And you guys got to think when you’re a brand, the number one thing a brand wants is once is conversions and conversions is a fancy word for saying, getting what you want, basically. So a sale is a conversion. If I’m running an ad for a webinar, if you sign up for the ad, that’s a conversion. And so when they’re saying that micro influencers hold greater power when driving actual conversions, they’re saying that micro influencers are getting more of what brands want than bigger influencers, that is so so big. And because I know some of you guys still don’t believe me, I’m going to give you seven benefits of working with micro influencers for brands. So number one, it’s more affordable for most brands, obviously, a smaller influencer isn’t going to charge as much. So that’s really great. Number two, there’s a more diverse reach. So you got to think if you pay
one big influencer $1,000 versus paying 10 micro influencers $100 you’re only reaching one person’s audience if you’re using the one big influencer, but you’re reaching 10 different people’s more diverse audiences with that same amount of money, so it’s a lot more diverse. Number three, they get higher engagement rate, which you guys know I preach about engagement rate all the time, we know why it’s important, we know why that adds a lot of value, because that means that their audience is actually engaged. So when they’re talking about sponsored content, their audience is actually going to see it and be interested in it. Number four, is a higher quality of authentic content. And the reason for that is because it’s not overly produced. It’s not produced by someone on you know, a big influencers team. And it’s a lot more relatable because it’s an ordinary person. And people in your audience are more ordinary and like you as a micro influencer than they are of like a celebrity or Kylie Jenner. She’s not relatable when she gives me her skincare routine, I’m like, okay, that’s great, but one, you’re getting paid a lot of money, so you’re doing it anyways. And two, you probably get all kinds of plastic surgery, so I don’t really trust you. So you can see why you know, like a smaller, more ordinary influencer is going to be a lot more trustworthy. Number five is that niche audiences have higher conversion rates. And really, when you’re a micro influencer, you tend to be a lot more niche. And you know how this audience is really engaged with you. And so that’s why you have that higher conversion rate. And let’s see, number six, they’re usually going to go the extra mile to create high quality content and impress their brand partners, which is absolutely true. You got to think again with Kylie Jenner, if a brand reaches out to her and she could just take a quick picture of her with the product and be like, boom, I’m done. And you as somebody who’s a smaller influencer might, you know, spend a lot more time on your content and write on this really nice caption and really go that extra mile, because you want to increase you want to impress that brand so that they want to work with you again, so that they want to Pay you again, maybe you can use them as a recommendation or referral, or they’ll connect you with another brand. There’s so many reasons why micro influencers will go the extra mile. And then last but not least, is that they deal with your product information directly. And therefore gain a deeper understanding of your brand, making their recommendation more credible. same example I just gave, again, Kylie Jenner, when she gets a brand collaboration, I highly doubt that she’s going and researching the brand, and doing all this different stuff to make it really credible to her audience. Again, she’s probably just taking a picture of it and posting it on her feed. Whereas you and me, if we got a brand collaboration, we’re going to try out the product and really make the recommendation good, because we want our audience to also get value from it. And so it’s just better in so many ways. And so those are kind of just a few reasons why working with micro influencers is so beneficial. I just want to drive that point home to you guys. Because I feel like so many of you, I preach it all day, and you still don’t believe me, and I just want to continually tell you why you are so valuable. And so what does this information mean? For those of you who think you need more followers? Well, it means you don’t, of course, we always want to continue working on growing. And that’s something that I teach. But I want you guys to really understand that this is something that you can make happen right now, wherever you’re starting. Even if you have one follower, that’s one person that you are influencing. And it’s a great place to start, because you’re going to start on the good foot of knowing exactly what you’re doing from the get go. So okay, wrapping that up, I want to talk about one last thing that I feel like 2020 taught us, and that is that we really need some sort of second type of income. And we really learned this last year that the security of a job is really not that secure. I mean, there are people that you know, work in restaurants or whatever that like they’re forced out of their job. And so I’ve always been a fan of diversifying the ways that my family makes money. And I always have said that influencer marketing is such a great option to do that, especially if it’s already something that you’ve been interested in. So I mean, but you got to think like influencer marketing, okay, if businesses closed down, well, they’re always going to go online, people are going online now. And you can literally recommend anything online. I mean, there’s so many different subjects that you can talk about. So no matter what’s going on, there’s always going to be something that you can recommend online. And social media is not going anywhere, it’s growing, there’s more and more platforms popping up. And so I really want you guys to make this happen this year, if this is something you’ve been thinking about. Let’s do this. And on that note, I want to introduce you guys to something that I’ve been working on that I told you about in the beginning. So at this
point, you should be jumping up and down. Because I literally just proved to you why 2021 is going to be the year of the influencer. But you also might be thinking, Okay, well, what do I do next? And I know that’s something that I’d be thinking, get off this podcast and be like, Wow, that’s so exciting. 2021 is gonna be the year the influencer, I’m gonna do this. And then you’re like, wait, what am I supposed to do? So I have something very exciting for you guys. While I was reflecting on this last year, and I was working on my goals to help my students be even more successful, I was really reflecting on where I saw most of the people failing. And I really found that that was staying consistent and taking action. And I’m guilty of this too, it is so hard to stay consistent. And make sure you’re constantly taking action, especially if you’re overwhelmed or, you know, whatever. So to give you guys a good example, because I know a lot of you guys that are my students are obviously in a course, I once bought a course I watched the entire thing in an entire weekend because I was so excited. And I mean, obviously that’s a lot of information. You’re like drinking out of a firehose, and I told myself, like, Wow, this is amazing, I’m going to start doing this, and it’s going to be great. And then I just got overwhelmed. And I found other things to keep me busy. And I pushed it off for months. And so I think there’s like a saying, and I always butcher these, but it’s like the biggest waste of learning is not applying it. And it’s so true because you can learn everything in the world. But until you apply it, it’s going to do nothing for you knowledge is useless without application. And so I was doing more research trying to figure out what I could do to really help this issue. So I wanted to talk to a few of my students. I talked to a few of you guys that are not my students. And I really asked them what were your biggest challenges in terms of being an influencer last year, and I just want to give you guys a few things that they said. So one thing that people said was that they were overwhelmed and didn’t know where to start, which I find is really common. It happens to the best
of us.
And you know, when you’re overwhelmed like that you kind of just freeze and I know for me when I’m overwhelmed or like nervous about doing something big. I’ll just like push it off and find little things that like to take up my time that I really shouldn’t be doing. But it’s just a distraction because you’re like scared of this big thing that you don’t know where to start on. Another thing that people said is that they had a hard time staying consistent, which I think is always challenging no matter what you’re doing. And another one that kind of coincides with that is that they didn’t have any accountability. And I think accountability is a great way to stay consistent. So those two kind of tie together. And then another one that I heard, especially from a lot of my non students, was that they didn’t have the money to invest in a course. So they kind of felt like they had no direction. So they just didn’t take any action. And so when I heard all this coin notes down, I was like, Okay, I want to create something totally new, totally different, that’s gonna solve all of these problems. And so when I was creating it, I wanted to create something that took everything and made it bite sized, meaning smaller, more actionable steps that you can take, like every single day, it’s going to add up to big progress and results in just a few months, not like this big beast of like, okay, you need to do all this, here you go, and leave you on your own, I’m now going to give you guys a little bite sized things to do one at a time. So it’s gonna be a lot easier, a lot more attainable, which is great. And then I also wanted to create something that’s going to keep you guys consistent, and also accountable since that was like literally what I most commonly heard. And then also, I wanted to make something that’s even more affordable, because so many of you guys said you didn’t have the money to invest in a course. And then of course, I wanted to make something that would have you guys be more successful, because that was the main thing I was really reflecting on when thinking about what I wanted to do differently and 2021 for all my students and everyone that I you know, work with. And as I’m thinking of that, I’m like, okay, that solves all the problems. But I also wanted to create something that was great for people who have taken my courses, and also for people that have not taken my courses. And another thing I wanted to do was make this available and effective for people at any stage of the game. So whether you’re just starting out, or you’re dabbling, or you’re doing the dang thing, or you’re already a pro, but maybe you just need that accountability or need to be more consistent. I wanted to make something that work for everyone. And I also wanted to address all aspects of being an influencer. Because I know a lot of you guys that are my students. You’re in my program called land brands, which is all about how to make money as an influencer, which is amazing. And the reason that most of you guys are in that course, by the way, is just because that’s what I spent most of my time promoting last year. But there’s also so much more to being an influencer than just making money. And I do have courses on those. But I wanted to create something that kind of had information from all of my courses mixed in. So what we’re going to be talking about in this new thing that I still haven’t explained yet, is social media growth, working with brands, making money, content creation, selling on social media, psychology, understanding social media. So like diving into the algorithm and stuff like that, I wanted to talk about marketing mindset, running a business, because this is a business when you’re making money. So you need to know that business side of things. And so, so much more. Those are just a few examples. So what I’ve created is something I’m calling club daily. And this is going to be the best way for influencers to learn, stay accountable, take action, stay consistent, and inevitably be inevitably that is a hard word to say, inevitably be successful.
So what we’re going to be doing is every single week, I’m going to release a new training topic. And that’s going to have training videos and tutorials as well as daily action steps. So let me give you guys like a real life example. Let’s say that one week, I’m going to be doing the topic of giveaway of collaborations. So what I’m going to do is teach you everything you need to know about giveaway collaborations. And then your like assignments or homework for that week is going to be to follow my step by step instructions and actually do one. So this is going to be everything from how to set it up how to make the graphics, how to reach out to other people and get them on board, how to get the giveaway paid for by brands so that you’re not paying out of your pocket, why they work, how to check the stats and how to track it, what not to do, how to set them up to get the most engagement and not gain ghost followers, which none of us want. And just so many other things. I mean, I’m literally going to be teaching you guys everything you need to know about running them successfully in that one week. And then the next week, we might be focused on something different, like a growth strategy. And I’ll run through everything you need to know for that and how you can implement it that week. So essentially, what I’m going to be doing is giving you a one week topic, and then give you guys something that you can accomplish each and every day. But you get it all in a week. So some of you guys might want to like do it all in one day. But the idea is that you just accomplish each week before the next so you’re just going to be accountable for getting one week done in a week’s time before the next week starts. Obviously some of you guys might get behind, but it’s going to be super easy to catch up. So basically every single week you’re going to learn something new. Might be a refresh for some of you guys, but that’s okay. We all need that. Sometimes to start And subjects, and then you’re going to take action and achieve something and move forward, one step closer to your goals every single week. And there’s a great quote that I absolutely love. And it says daily progress is the secret to success, actually have to. The second one is a little progress each day adds up to big results. And you guys, this is so true. And that’s exactly what this program aims to do. It’s little steps every single day, moving you closer and closer to your goal. So you actually accomplishing something, but it’s not super overwhelming. Okay, so how much is the program? Well, as I told you, guys, I wanted to make this super, super affordable. So it’s literally less than $1 a day. And I know some of you guys spend more than that on coffee every single day. I know, my fiance does, he gets Starbucks every single day. And so this is where I say to you guys, how bad do you really want this. So give up that fancy coffee, spend that money on something that’s actually going to grow your bank account. And just you guys know, it’s not going to build you every single day, it’s going to be billed monthly. So it’s going to be $29 a month. So something that’s super affordable. And you guys is going to move that ball forward so fast for you guys if you keep staying consistent with it, which is the whole point of the program. And so I’m opening the doors for this in one week. So on January 14, and that way, a lot of us can start together. So I want to get all of you guys this information. And then we’re going to all start together on the 14th together. But don’t worry, if you’re listening to this later, or you can’t quite join right now, you can join at any time it’s going to be open any time and then you’ll just be a little bit behind. But you’ll have all those other people who have gone before you they can actually help you along the way. So there’s no like non benefit to joining later. It’ll be fine either way. But if you can join now, join now so we can get started together. And I’m actually gonna be doing it with you guys. Because something that I majorly slack on is my own profile. Because I spend so much time working on my business and working with you guys and making sure that you’re successful that I like, don’t even want to think about my own account. So I’m actually gonna be doing this with you guys, which is gonna be really fun for me. And so I’m just really excited to be able to offer something like this because I know it’s gonna be such a game changer for every single one of you guys. And it’s really something that I wish I had access to when I was getting started. So if you guys want to join, you can go to www dot the daily courses.com slash club. And I’ll make sure to put that link in the description on whatever wherever you listen to the podcast. It’ll also be on the website social media, you guys will probably see a lot of it in the next week or so as I’m promoting this new thing. But I really hope you guys join I think it’s going to be so so good. And if you guys have any questions just shoot me an email. I want to keep you guys away from dming me because DMS really get lost so if you have questions shoot me an email. It’s Erica@thedailyinfluencers.com thank you so much for listening. If you liked what you heard, it goes a long way if you could take 30 seconds and leave me a five star review and share this podcast with your friends. Alright you guys, I’ll see you on the next episode.
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xo, erica